Village Greens: Beating the bounds of your local common or green

The Open Spaces Society has been defending open spaces in England and Wales since 1865.

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Beating the bounds of your local common or green

From this fact sheet you will learn about a centuries-old tradition, aimed at reminding everyone of boundaries that were important in their lives.

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1. Introduction

1.1 Parish and community councils and other local groups may like to beat the bounds of their local common or village green on Rogation Sunday.

2. What's it about?

2.1 Beating the bounds is a centuries-old tradition, aimed at reminding everyone of boundaries that were important in their lives. During Rogationtide—the fifth week after Easter—villagers, with the rector and other local dignitaries, would walk the parish bounds. The children would carry willow wands to beat the boundary markers with, and in some ceremonies children had their heads bumped on boundary stones to imprint them firmly in the memory.

2.2 Today the parish boundary is not so important, and modern maps show them clearly enough. But other boundaries still are important and the map usually fails to show them—the boundaries of our commons and village greens. Often these areas are unfenced, and local people may not only be unsure about the boundaries, but totally unaware that this land has any special status.

3. Why beat the bounds?

3.1 There are all too many interests keen to encroach on the margins of our commons and greens. If no one objects in time, it can mean common land is permanently lost. So beating the bounds is just as important today. It reminds your local community that they have a common or green with a boundary to be guarded, and in the process also shows them how much enjoyment and interest the area has to offer. It’s a practical and enjoyable way to protect a valuable part of our heritage.

3.2 But it may be that you do not have a common or green in your parish. You can still keep the ancient Rogationtide tradition alive by beating the bounds of other open spaces enjoyed by the public, or by walking your parish boundary. You could even help define some other important local rights by having a special walk along public footpaths.

3.3 To add interest, you could invite local experts on the walk, to tell about the history of the common and its wildlife. And if there are celebrities in your parish, ask them along. A picnic after the walk could bring even more people out, and remember that children really make the day, so include something of special appeal to them. With a bit of lively thinking and organising, your beating the bounds outing can become an exciting annual event

4. How do we find the boundaries of our local common or green?

4.1 The exact boundaries of commons and village greens can be found on the commons or village greens maps, held by the county council, metropolitan borough or unitary authority. Public rights of way can be found on the county’s, or unitary council’s, definitive map or the relevant Ordnance Survey Landranger (1:50,000) and Explorer (1:25,000) maps.

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5. What arrangements should we make for the day?

5.1 Ensure that you have permission for the event from the owner of the common and any other land over which you will need to pass which is not a public road or path. Public access rights on common land may not be sufficient to enable an organised event. Let anyone else with an interest in the common, such as commoners, conservators or local authority managers, know about your plans. There is no clear authority that beating the bounds of the parish entitles entry onto private land, so you will need to have permission from a number of owners of land, or you might decide to follow the parish boundary as far as possible by using public roads, paths and open spaces.

5.2 Ask your local wildlife trust about sensitive areas where you should avoid trampling or disturbance to nesting birds. Where such areas could be damaged, make a detour. Also avoid dangerous points such as marshes, but make sure everyone knows the real boundary.

5.3 Consult the local police, especially if you expect a large crowd, or need to walk on a busy road or arrange car-parking facilities.

5.4 Check that your organisation already has third-party liability insurance or arrange for temporary cover for the event.

5.5 Find out from your local records office if there are any special traditions connected with your common and green that you could revive on your walk.

6. How do we get publicity?

6.1 Send a press release to your local newspapers, radio and TV stations. Arrange for one of your group to be a press contact.

7. What do we do on the walk?

7.1 Take a good map of the registered boundaries of the commons and someone who is a good map-reader. Take a tape-measure, and compass if necessary! Organise someone to take photographs of the boundary to deter encroachments and unlawful works in the future. Map and photograph existing features on the common such as tracks and fences.

7.2 Ensure that participants follow the countryside code at all times. Tell people to come dressed for the conditions on your local common. Tell them how long the walk will be and to bring suitable footwear and waterproofs. Check the route in advance. If your common is in a remote area, follow guidelines for mountain and moorland safety.

7.3 Make sure you have stewards to clear up litter, shut gates, organise car-parking, assist slow walkers and provide first aid.


While the Open Spaces Society has made every effort to ensure the information obtained in this information sheet is an accurate summary of the subject as at the date of publication, it is unable to accept liability for any misinterpretation of the law or any other error or omission in the advice in this information sheet.

© Open Spaces Society, September 2011

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Do you want to shape the future of paths and open spaces?

We need your help to keep our technical information, analysis & advice effective and up to date - your support means we can employ expert caseworkers.

Need to know more about beating the bounds of your local common or green?

  • Commons Act 2006 - Registration and deregistration

    This fact sheet tells you about the registration and deregistration of common land and town or village greens, in England and Wales, under Part 1 of the Commons Act 2006. 

  • Protecting commons, greens and open spaces training course

    Learn the fundamentals on this comprehensive course to include definitions, registration/designation, protection and management.

  • Vehicular access across Common Land and Town or Village Greens

    This provides guidance about vehicular access across common land and town or village greens following the repeal of section 68 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

  • Landowner statements: the threat to village greens (England)

    Now you must apply to register land as a green within one year of a landowner’s challenge to your use of the land for informal recreation.

  • An approach to the re-registration of commons

    Our commons re-registration officer Dr Frances Kerner shares our approach to research and application preparation.

  • Frequently asked questions: commons

    Frequently asked questions about commons.

  • Management and protection of town and village greens

    DEFRA have compiled some answers to FAQ that cover the management and protection of greens once they are registered.

  • DIY guide to registering lost commons

    The Commons Act 2006 provides a new, time-limited, opportunity for you to rescue some of those commons which failed to be registered under the Commons.

  • Getting Greens Registered

    Download our Getting Greens Registered PDF - a step-by-step guide on how to go about applying for Village Green registration.

  • Prosecuting an offence on a village green

    If you wish to prosecute someone for a criminal offence on a town or village green...

  • Frequently Asked Questions: Village & Town Greens

    Common questions about village and town greens

  • Unclaimed land and adverse possession

    Unclaimed land and adverse possession: protecting commons and other open spaces with no known owner.


1 Comment

  1. […] which was carried out during Rogationtide—the fifth week after Easter. There would be a walking of the parish boundaries, with children would carrying willow which would be used to beat the boundary markers. The boundary […]