Archive for July 2016
We call for more broadleaves, and more discussion, on Dartmoor’s forest estate
We have called for greater replacement of conifer trees with native broadleaves in the Dartmoor forests, clearance of trees from ancient monuments, and an open debate about the future of the forest estate. We were responding to the Forestry Commission’s consultation on its Dartmoor Forest Plan, 2016-2026. We deeply regret that we were not informed…
Read MoreWelsh Government approves trashing of Mynydd y Gwair Common
The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, has approved a controversial application by RWE Innogy UK Ltd to erect wind turbines and associated infrastructure on Mynydd y Gwair and adjoining commons north of Swansea. The society, represented by Clare Moseley, was among the many objectors at a public inquiry in February; this…
Read MoreWe fight increase in parking on Hackney’s common land
The London Borough of Hackney is recommending that its Planning Sub-Committee approve the council’s plans to relax the conditions for parking on Hackney’s North Marsh. The committee meets next Wednesday (27 July). We objected in 2014 to an application from the council to build a pavilion and associated car park here, on registered common land,…
Read MoreRejection of fencing on Westerdale Common
We are delighted that the environment secretary has rejected plans for more than half a mile of fencing on Westerdale Common in the North York Moors National Park. Last year the Graziers of High Blakey Moor applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, via the Planning Inspectorate, for consent to…
Read MoreNew Sheffield environmental charity launched
‘Sheffield and the Peak District National Park are the crucible of the access crusade. The new Sheffield Environmental Movement is well placed to enable everyone to enjoy the park’s special qualities today’. So said Kate Ashbrook, our general secretary, when she launched the new charity, the Sheffield Environmental Movement, led by Maxwell Ayamba, at Sheffield…
Read MoreHerefordshire path-defender wins Open Spaces Society’s national award
Peter Newman, formerly of Kington, Herefordshire, is the first-ever winner of our prestigious Eversley Award for Outstanding Personal Endeavour. Peter won the award for his 25 years of work on public paths with offenders on Community Payback. Peter collaborated with the Herefordshire Probation Service and Herefordshire Council to install about 800 stiles and gates, waymarks…
Read MoreThreat to Anglesey common goes to appeal hearing
On 19 July the Planning Inspectorate will hear an appeal against Anglesey Council’s refusal of a planning application for a new dwelling at the rear of Penmarian Mawr, Llangoed. The development would be in the designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and includes a new access across registered common land. We have objected to…
Read MoreClaim our commons now, call from our vice-president
‘We have less than five years in which to claim our commons. The Open Spaces Society is leading the campaign to ensure that all common land is registered and available for the public to enjoy’ so declared our vice-president, Paul Clayden, at the society’s annual general meeting in London on Thursday (7 July). Throughout its…
Read MoreQuarry threat to Lincolnshire footpath
We have objected to plans by Breedon Aggregates to extend South Witham quarry in south Lincolnshire and destroy the route of a much-loved public footpath. The path runs between the villages of South Witham and Thistleton and is on the edge of the proposed quarry extension. The developers want to move the path around three…
Read MorePhenomenal volunteer effort has saved two Welsh gems
We have congratulated the Elenydd Wilderness Hostels Trust on its phenomenal volunteer effort. Our general secretary, Kate Ashbrook, spoke at the trust’s tenth anniversary lunch in Tregaron on Saturday (2 July). Said Kate: ‘Not only have the trust’s activists saved two hostels in the remote heart of Wales from closure and sale, but they have…
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