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We deal with almost 1000 cases a year assisting communities, groups and individuals in protecting their local spaces and paths in all parts of England and Wales. Can you help us by joining as a member?
Tim Crowther from Weybridge in Surrey is our new chairman.
For the past 12 years Tim has been an active member of Elmbridge Borough Council. Prior to retirement he worked for a government property agency. He became a member of the Open Spaces Society over 25 years ago.
A lifelong walker, Tim has completed many of the national trails and also his own long-distance routes—Weybridge to Weymouth, for example. He is particularly interested in seeking out unexplored and underused rights of way.
Tim has been a leading member of many local organisations concerned with the protection and enhancement of the green belt and public open spaces. As a councillor he has played a key part in the provision of new green spaces through the planning process.
Tim has lived in Weybridge for over 40 years and is married with one daughter, three sons and five grandchildren.
Tim says: ‘It was the threats of enclosure and development of large areas of common land in London that prompted the formation of the society. Now, 146 years later, the threats we face are more widespread, more diverse and even more severe. The issues are daunting, but the Open Spaces Society is well placed and uniquely qualified to take a leading and influential role in resolving them. It is a privilege to be a part of this crucial campaign.’
Unfortunately, Tim’s predecessor Jackie Warr had to retire due to ill health. The new vice-chairman is Jean Macdonald from Corley Moor in north Warwickshire.