Herefordshire hilltop under threat

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We have objected to plans by Bolsterstone Innovative Energy Ltd to deface the unspoilt Stonewall Hill (also known as Reeves Hill) in Herefordshire with four wind-turbines and associated development.

The hill is between the towns of Knighton and Presteigne, and is close to the Powys border, so we have written to both Herefordshire and Powys Councils’ planning departments. The many other objectors include the Stonewall Hill Conservation Group, the National Trust, the Ramblers and the Herefordshire Campaign to Protect Rural England.

Photograph: Gareth Reece-Roberts

The wind turbines will be very visible on this elevated site and a blot on the landscape for miles around. The hill commands 360-degree views and is therefore extremely prominent.

The unclassified road which crosses Stonewall Hill is quiet and used by people on foot, horseback and bike, as well as by cars. All these users will have their enjoyment completely spoilt by the suburbanising, hideous development.

Furthermore, because the summit of the hill is relatively flat, it is an ideal spot for elderly and disabled people to enjoy the view and have a quiet picnic.

Says Kate Ashbrook, our general secretary: ‘The banausic wind turbines will tower over the unspoilt landscape, and with their constant noise and flicker will devastate its tranquil character. They must not be permitted.’

Herefordshire Planning Committee will be considering the application in due course but the date has not yet been announced.

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