We oppose new golf-course on common land

We have objected to a planning application, from Old Thorns Golf and Country Club, to create a new golf-course on a heathland common near Liphook in the South Downs National Park. We consider the golf course will be highly damaging to the superb landscape of the area and people’s enjoyment of it. Common land is…

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Slow the traffic on unfenced commons

We have called for a universal speed-limit of 40 mph where unfenced roads cross common land. The society has responded to a consultation from the Department for Transport on the revision of its speed-limit circular. The Department favours a speed limit of 40 mph for roads ‘with a predominantly local, access or recreational function’ and…

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Rights of Way: Restoring the Record

Want to check historic rights on a track but don’t know where to start? Need to find extra evidence before a public inquiry? Worried about your first visit to an archive office? Experienced, but just want to check which Act authorised which activities? Then you need Rights of Way: Restoring the Record, the new research…

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Brutal turbines of Mynydd y Gwair common

We have objected strongly to a planning application from RWE npower to site 16 wind turbines, with tracks and infrastructure, on Mynydd y Gwair common, a majestic hillside eight miles north of Swansea. There have been a number of turbine applications here in the past to which the society has objected. This is registered common…

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