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Our member Max Grant from Gwynedd has pointed out that we are too optimistic in our statement in the latest Open Space that the coastal path in Wales is almost complete. He writes:
‘I wish it were almost complete!
‘In fact, Welsh Assembly Government funding will stop in 2013 by which time there will be a Wales Coast Path, but it will not be to the Quality Standards proposed and agreed by the Countryside Council for Wales.
‘At the meeting a few weeks ago of the chairs of the Welsh local access fora, it was stated that there were numerous cases of unresolved route issues. There are long stretches in Gwynedd and Ynys Mon where the path is nowhere near the coast, and follows roads, in some cases fairly major roads. There are many estates digging in their heels, where negotiations have been going on for over 20 years. Estimates from Welsh coastal path officers are that it will be decades before there is a reasonable route. On Ynys Mon there are 60 creation orders required. Problem sections were also noted in Flintshire, Carmarthenshire and Monmouthshire.
‘There’s plenty of campaigning to be done.’