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We are concerned that Miller Developments is threatening to build a road across Broad Street Common, near Guildford in Surrey, to serve a proposed new housing development of 220 properties. We have urged Surrey County Council to reject the plan.
Broad Street Common is heavily protected. Not only is it registered common land with access rights for walkers and horse-riders, but it is also a Site of Nature Conservation Importance within the Metropolitan Green Belt. It is land which is of enormous value for its public interest.
Miller Developments need much more than just planning permission for such a road across the common. It must also provide common land in exchange for that to be obliterated, and we consider that it is highly unlikely to be able to identify and provide such alternate land.
A road would be an eyesore and an intrusion on this lovely common which is treasured by local people and visitors.
We would expect to be consulted about any proposal affecting common land. This proposal is fraught with difficulties and we trust it will be abandoned.