Threat to Kendal’s village green

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We have objected to the planning application from Kendal Golf Club for a golf driving-range on Kendal’s extensive village green in Cumbria.

The green is on the side of Kendal Fell which lies above the town to the north-west.  For more than two centuries the land has been enjoyed by the public for informal recreation.

Says our general secretary, Kate Ashbrook: ‘We are dismayed that the planning application apparently makes no acknowledgement that this is a registered village green.  This outlaws any development which is not for the better enjoyment of the land by the public for informal recreation.

‘Clearly the proposed golf driving-range would conflict with the public’s use of the land.

‘In addition, the proposed floodlighting will be an eyesore in this lovely wild area and will be highly visible in a place where there should be dark skies and tranquillity.  It is on the edge of the Lake District National Park and will conflict with the natural beauty and public enjoyment of this splendid landscape.

‘The proposed building is out of keeping in these surroundings and will suburbanise this rural area.

‘We have urged South Lakeland District Council to reject the application and to inform the applicant that such a development would in any case be unlawful,’ Kate concludes.

Kendal Civic Society and Cumbria Wildlife Trust are among the objectors.

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