Speak up for commons, open spaces and footpaths in East Sussex

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The Open Spaces Society is urging everyone who walks, rides or cycles on the commons, open spaces and footpaths of East Sussex to tell East Sussex County Council how important those facilities are to them.

Setting out for a walk in East Sussex

Setting out for a walk in East Sussex

The council is conducting a survey of usage of these facilities. You can find it on the consultations page of the East Sussex County Council website here.

Open Spaces Society local correspondent for Wealden, Brendan Clegg says “The survey questions are a little confused but this is an excellent opportunity for people in East Sussex to tell their council about how vital open spaces and footpaths are. We urge people to use the comments sections in the questions to tell the council how important it is for these to be properly maintained.”

Lewes area correspondent Chris Smith comments “It is a pity that the council is not asking people about how often they use access land or commons. These facilities are badly underpublicized.”

For further information contact Chris Smith, OSS Brighton and Lewes correspondent on 01273 483869 or cs@hbhelp.co.uk.

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