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We have objected to plans to build 13 wind-turbines in the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Lancashire.
The application is from Community Windpower Ltd, for Claughton Moor and Whit Moor, partly common land and partly open country, seven miles north-east of Lancaster. There is a public right to walk over the whole area.
The application follows Lancaster City Council’s rejection of the company’s application for 20 turbines in March. The company has appealed against that refusal and a public inquiry is to be held in May 2011. In both applications, there will be buildings, hard-standings, an access track and mast in addition to the turbines.
We say that the turbines—whether 13 or 20—will be a scar on the lovely face of Bowland. This is common land and open country in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the development conflicts with all these designations. In addition to planning consent, the developers will need the Secretary of State’s consent for works on common land, under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006.
People’s enjoyment of this beautiful, breezy hillside will be ruined by the creation of a wind factory and the other excrescences here. And the area will lose out on the economic benefit from walkers and other visitors.
The whole proposal is a disaster for the landscape and public recreation.