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We have sent a further objection to plans for seven 110-meter-high wind-turbines in the quiet countryside five miles east of Llandrindod Wells, Powys. Hendy Wind Farm Ltd has put in minor amendments to its application to Powys County Council for planning permission.
The amendments do not mitigate any of our concerns. The turbines will still desecrate an area of natural beauty and high landscape value, which is enjoyed by residents and visitors.

Llandegley Rocks: this view could be obliterated by the proposed seven 110-metre-high wind-turbines. Photo: Diana Hulton
These vast turbines would dominate this very special and splendid landscape and would destroy the view of and from the magnificent Llandegley Rocks. There are several public paths crossing the area and users of these routes would be severely affected by the sight and noise of the turbines. People visit the area because of its natural beauty, peace and tranquillity. The turbines could deter them from coming and that would result in a serious loss of tourist income to the community.
Furthermore, the land on which it is proposed to construct at least four of the seven turbines, together with the associated development, is part of an area inclosed by orders made under the Commons Act 1876, for Llandegley Rhos and Hendy Bank. The order gives the public a right of access here and decrees that no injury shall be done to the lands.
Therefore the construction of wind turbines here would be in breach of that order.
The access track to the turbines would be sited on common land. The applicants submitted applications under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 for works on common land, and under section 16 of the Commons Act 2006 for exchange of common land, both of which were opposed. They have now withdrawn these applications.
The replacement land which they proposed was unsuitable since it is already access land under the Llandegley Rhos inclosure award. We consider that it is not possible to provide suitable land to compensate for that to be taken and we shall oppose any future applications under the Commons Act 2006.
We have urged Powys County Council to reject this damaging application.