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We are dismayed that the Planning Inspectorate has approved a plan by Cumbria County Council to construct a cycleway on registered common land at Scadbeck and Crosscanonby foreshore on the Cumbrian Coast.
Although the council had planning permission it was required in addition to obtain consent for works on common land, under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006.
The route will form part of Hadrian’s cycleway, a coast-to-coast route from Silloth in the west to Wallsend in the east.
We are disappointed that the application for works on common land has been granted. We are in favour of the cycleway, which will take cyclists off the B5300 road with its speeding motorists, but do not consider it should be constructed on common land. We are concerned that a 2.5-metre wide cycleway with a 1-metre-wide planted verge will be intrusive in this narrow coastal strip and will not blend in with the adjoining dune system.
The strip of common land between the coast and the inland agricultural fields is narrow and the lovely landscape will be adversely affected. We had hoped that the cycleway would be realigned to avoid this sensitive area of common land.
The inspector, Mr Alan Beckett, disagreed with us. He felt that the cycleway would not interfere with local use of the common nor would it have an adverse impact on the character of the surrounding area.
The other objectors were Crosscanonby Parish Council and local residents.