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Read about the winners of our Open Space Award 2013 here. And you can view photos from the winning projects here.

OSS trustee, John Lavery, presents the Open Space Special Award for Community Engagement 2013 to Sir Gerald Acher of Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust for their Riverhill project at Cobham, Surrey. Also pictured left to right: Laura Richardson, Lynne Randell, Nikki Perkins, Richard Mulhall, David Tipping, Ian Gayton, Jeremy Taylor and Ian McCulloch. Photo: Eric Strange of Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust
Shortlisted projects
1. Riverhill Regeneration Project, Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust, Cobham, Surrey
Summary of reasons for nomination as given by proposer:
‘The Riverhill Regeneration Project has been the Trust’s most ambitious project to date, the success of which couldn’t have been achieved without the support and desire of the community. The result has been to enhance Cobham as a place to live, work and visit by restoring the countryside back to the heart of the town for all to enjoy.
Riverhill has been popular with local people for over 100 years who go to relax, fish, picnic and feed the ducks at the water’s edge. This project has safeguarded these time-old traditions for our future generations to enjoy.’
2. Friends of Tyneside Riverside Country Park, Newburn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Summary of reasons for nomination as given by proposer:
‘The Friends of Tyne Riverside Country Park deserve this nomination for their commitment to this ambitious long-term project – 10 years in the making so far!
It is an excellent example of local people working hand in hand with a local authority to produce a result that neither could have achieved on their own.
They have proved to be inspiring, patient and realistic in the planning phases, and hardworking, enthusiastic and talented in the execution. The Friends have a great love for their park – and it shows.’
3. Widmer Fields, Widmer End, Buckinghamshire
Summary of reasons for nomination as given by proposer:
‘The Grange Area Trust purchased these 16ha of agricultural land which is being transformed into a wildlife conservation area with full public access. The land was purchased with the help of a loan from a local benefactor but this has to be repaid. Continuing funding is also required for land management.
Without extensive publicity, future funding will not be forthcoming so we need the widest possible publicity to ensure our financial future. There can be no better publicity than support from the Open Spaces Society.’
Header image: Richard Horne