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We are delighted that South Lakeland District Council’s planning committee has rejected an application to extend the life of the Kirkby Moor wind farm to 2027.
The application was made by Innogy Renewables on behalf of Zephyr Investments Ltd.
We objected because the turbines are a severe intrusion in a wild landscape, highly visible from many directions and in particular from the Lake District National Park.
Furthermore, the 12 turbines occupy a significant area of registered common land, where the public has the right to walk and commoners have the right to graze stock. The moor is also criss-crossed with public rights of way.
It is wonderful news that the council has rejected the plans. Now we need to make sure that every trace of the turbines is removed when the current consent expires next year, so that this magnificent common is restored to its former glory.
The application was opposed by the Friends of the Lake District and many other organisations, parish councils and local people.
The 400kW turbines have a hub height of 25m and a blade-tip height of 42.4m.