Green-space neglect in government’s new policies 

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We are deeply concerned at the direction taken by the government’s revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). 

Queen’s Crescent, Local Green Space in Exeter, Devon. Photo: Open Spaces Society

Our case officer Nicola Hodgson has responded to the consultation on the revised policy. You can read Nicola’s full response here.

‘The government has not proposed any significant changes to the NPPF to support the creation and protection of open space,’ Nicola declares.  ‘While its five golden rules for planning include the provision of green space, these only apply to development on land released from the green belt and not to all new development. 

‘The existing Local Green Space (LGS) designation is being undermined because it only has the same protection as green belt, which we now know to be at risk. 

‘The government misses the opportunity to improve the process for creating and managing LGS, which can only be designated when a local plan is being reviewed or a neighbourhood plan progressed.  This severely restricts the opportunity to use the designation, and to protect much-loved open space. 

‘The planning system should give the creation and protection of green space and public paths the same priority as other infrastructure. 

‘The government should require developers to register land voluntarily within developments as town or village green, thereby protecting it for ever and giving local people rights there. 

‘Everyone should be able to enjoy good-quality, well-maintained, and safe open space within 300 metres of their homes. 

‘We are dismayed that these issues are not adequately addressed in the draft NPPF, and will continue to campaign for them, for the health and well-being of the public,’ Nicola concludes. 

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