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We deal with almost 1000 cases a year assisting communities, groups and individuals in protecting their local spaces and paths in all parts of England and Wales. Can you help us by joining as a member?
‘The planning system should give the creation and protection of green space and public paths the same priority as other infrastructure. Sadly, this is not reflected in the proposed revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).’
So declared Nicola Hodgson, one of our case officers.
‘This would have been a good opportunity to put green spaces, vital for people’s health and well-being, at the heart of planning policy. But the government has not proposed any changes to the NPPF to support the planning and protection of open spaces.
‘Instead, there are no proposed revisions relating to the sections on disposal of open space which are designed to assist developers by allowing the disposal of land, while any mitigation measures may not even be in the same neighbourhood.
‘When a development is created it is essential that there are requirements to provide and protect open spaces, for instance by registering them as town and village greens. This would ensure they are safe for ever, and local people have rights of recreation there. They cannot then be snitched for further development.
‘The proposals miss the opportunity to improve the process for creating and managing Local Green Space (LGS) to ensure it is safe. We have been pressing for such clarification for a decade. LGS is no substitute for permanent green space such as a town and village green; it is only possible to designate LGS when a local plan is being reviewed or a neighbourhood plan progressed.
‘LGS has the same level of protection as green belt, and we are deeply worried about the new requirement for local authorities to review their green belt land. This could have a significant impact on existing designated LGS which shares that protection.
Nicola concluded: ‘The society will respond robustly to the consultation and call for much greater provision of open space, for the public’s benefit.’
LGS is addressed in paras 103-105 of the consultation.