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We deal with almost 1000 cases a year assisting communities, groups and individuals in protecting their local spaces and paths in all parts of England and Wales. Can you help us by joining as a member?
We are fortunate that Ellen Froggatt, who was planning to retire in early April, is still with us. She has generously agreed to carry on as office manager part-time until we can return to the office and appoint a replacement. Consequently, Ellen celebrated ten years with the society on 7 June.

Ellen walking in Suffolk
In her time with us, Ellen has made a significant impact. Not only has she been the hub of our busy office and had command of our IT, but she was responsible for the ‘new look’ which we adopted in 2013, with an updated logo and design for Open Space; the development of our digital communications and presence in social media; and subsequently the revamp of our website. In addition, she has become an expert in much of our casework and deals with many of the queries which come through from our members and the wider public.
Thank you Ellen, and we hope that circumstances will enable you to enjoy your retirement before too long, although we shall miss you hugely.
Ellen says, “it’s been a fascinating and rewarding ten years which has seen many changes but the core work to protect open spaces and paths carries on, as it has done for over 150 years. It’s certainly true that the more you learn about the society and its work, the more you find there is to know and I wish the society, and all those I have worked with during my time at OSS, every success for the future.”