Cavendish village green in Suffolk is voted liveliest in country

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TruGreen, the world’s largest professional lawn care company, together with The Sunday Telegraph, Life, has named Cavendish Village Green in Suffolk the liveliest in the country.

Cavendish village green

Cavendish village green

Entrants were invited to send a picture and 50 words on why they thought their nominated village green was the liveliest in the country to the judges at TruGreen and The Sunday Telegraph, Life. Four village greens, including Cavendish were shortlisted, they were; Englefield Green in Surrey, Great Bentley village green in Essex and Great Hockham in North Norfolk, however the village green in Cavendish was voted best over all.

Cavendish village green boasts events throughout the year which draw thousands of people to them, from picnics, fêtes and fun days, bonfire nights and plant sales to music, dog, art, horticultural and vintage car shows and displays. The village school also makes use of the green for games, sports and their traditional Maypole dancing. And not forgetting the hog roasts!

Head of Marketing for TruGreen, Hannah Banfield, felt that Cavendish village green, nominated by villager Mike Ward, fitted the bill of liveliest village green perfectly.  She said: ‘There seems to be an abundance of activities organised here with something for everyone. Village greens are for the enjoyment of everyone living around them.’

We were a partner in promoting the competition.  Says our general secretary Kate Ashbrook: ‘We are delighted at the standard of entries: clearly there are some lively and fascinating greens out there.  The prize-winners have received free membership of our society and will be entitled to benefit from the services we offer, in campaigning to protect our wonderful green spaces.’

TruGreen is the world’s largest lawn care company and can advise and deliver the best treatments for your lawn. To find out how, contact your nearest lawn care specialist on 0800 021 3074 or visit

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