Paths or open spaces under threat? A problem solved

The Open Spaces Society has been defending open spaces in England and Wales since 1865.

We share our experience of defending public access to paths and open spaces

The society has been defending the right of the public to use and enjoy paths and open spaces since 1865. We give advice to our members including individuals, campaigning groups, local authorities and community/parish councils on how to protect public rights of way, common land, town and village greens and open spaces .

We want the experience from this casework to inform as wide an audience as possible so that when access to paths and open spaces is challenged this knowledge can be helpful to all concerned. We will add more case-studies to this page over the coming weeks so please do check back regularly.

If one of these case studies looks familiar to you, and you'd like us to look at your own circumstances, why not join the society and ask for our help?


Town and village greens

Open and green spaces


Public paths and right of way

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