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We have objected most strongly to a planning application from Coronation Power Ltd, to build 12 wind turbines and associated structures on common land north of Rochdale. The proposed development is on Rooley Moor common.
It is extraordinary that the applicants should have chosen to construct this development on common land, where both walkers and horse-riders have rights of access, and which is of immense public importance for its landscape qualities.
The development will rip the heart out of the common and also interfere with the Pennine Bridleway long-distance path. The turbines themselves will be a severe eyesore in this open landscape which is a vital green lung for nearby city-dwellers.
The developers propose to swap the common land underneath the proposed turbines for another area to the north, but that does not make up for destroying this stretch of open country.
We have sent our objection to Rochdale Borough Council and will object to any subsequent application for works on, and exchange of, common land.