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We have objected to plans for seven wind-turbines in the quiet countryside five miles east of Llandrindod Wells, Powys. Hendy Wind Farm Ltd has applied to Powys County Council for planning permission Hendy Wind Farm Ltd has applied to Powys County Council for planning permission for the turbines and ancillary development, including an access road, close to the hamlet of Llandegley on the A44 road.
We are concerned about the adverse effect the massive turbines will have on the landscape, public paths and common land in the vicinity.
Says our local representative, Peter Newman: ‘We object most strongly to this proposal. This is an area of high landscape value much appreciated by visitors and residents alike.
‘These enormous structures would dominate the landscape and largely destroy the quiet enjoyment available to people at present.
‘There are several public rights of way crossing the area in question and many more in the vicinity. Users of these routes would be severely affected by the sight of these turbines and the noise they would make.
‘It is likely that horse riders would no longer be able to use the bridleways and byways as the turbine noise would spook the horses.
‘The developers carried out a public consultation exercise which found that 80 per cent of the consultees were against the proposed turbines— clearly the application has little or no support from the people affected.
‘We urge the planning committee to turn down this application,’ Peter concluded.