We fight renewed attempt to destroy Swansea commons

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We have sent another strong objection to plans to build 16 wind turbines with associated infrastructure on Mynydd y Gwair and adjoining commons, eight miles north of Swansea.

RWE Innogy UK Ltd has planning permission for the development but, because it is to be sited on registered common land, the developer needs the additional consent of Welsh ministers for works on, and exchanges of, common land.(2)

Similar plans for the common were rejected following a public inquiry last year.

mynyydygwairsmallWe have objected to the company’s proposal to swap land in the heart of the common with inferior land on the edge, so that the land on which the turbines and associated works would be sited is taken out of the common.  In addition, the company has sought consent to construct a road and temporary fencing on the common.

This industrial development will destroy these magnificent commons on the doorstep of a huge population which needs its open spaces.  Similar plans were rejected in July following a public inquiry last year.  It’s time the company called it a day and looked elsewhere.

This open moorland is of immense value to the people of Swansea.  There are rights to walk and ride over the whole area and the views are tremendous.

We do not believe that the applicants have met the necessary tests for development on common land, and we shall fight these proposals on behalf of all who enjoy these magnificent commons.

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