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We have objected to an application from Ealing Council to erect a massive leisure-centre with residential development and other infrastructure in Brent River Park in Ealing.
The society is concerned that the development will take a bite out of the Brent River Park, destroying metropolitan open land (MOL) and public open space (POS). It argues that the proposal contravenes national, London-wide, and local policies which aim to protect green spaces. For instance, it flouts the Ealing Greenspaces Strategy, the London Plan, and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
The society says that the Ealing Greenspaces Strategy has a policy of no net loss of open space, while the London Plan affords MOL the same status and safeguards as green belt, to be protected from inappropriate development with the boundaries changed only in exceptional circumstances. The NPPF states that POS must not be built on unless ‘an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown that the open space is surplus to requirements’ and that the ‘loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location’. None of this appears to have been done.
Says Kate Ashbrook, our general secretary: ‘The Brent River Park is enormously valuable to the people of Ealing. It was established in 1975 in response to local need, and that need is greater now than ever.
‘Ealing is fifteenth out of the 22 London boroughs for its levels of obesity and inactivity, so this green space is a life-saver for local people. It is peaceful and nature rich, and vital for physical and mental restoration. We are dismayed that Ealing Council can contemplate building on it.’