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We have objected to further plans by Bolderstone Innovative Energy Ltd to create new access to the Reeves Hill wind turbines on the prominent Herefordshire hilltop, close to the border with Powys. The four wind-turbines were given planning permission in 2012 but there are still outstanding issues to resolve.
The proposed new access road is from the A4113, one mile east of Kington in Powys to Llanshay Lane, with the creation of passing places and upgrading the lane to enable large construction vehicles to reach Reeves Hill. The works are in Powys and the society has objected to Powys County Council, urging it to reject the application.
We believe that the creation of the new access, involving 600 metres of new road, together with the works on the existing lane, will have a devastating effect on the environment of this area. It is countryside of outstanding beauty, with breathtaking views, enjoyed by walkers, riders and cyclists who come here for quiet enjoyment. The proposed works will devastate and urbanise this landscape.
This is in countryside which is being promoted by the Walking with Offa Project, for its beauty and history, with the aim also of bringing much needed income from countryside users. The development of the new access will be a blight on the area, and will discourage people from coming here. The communities will lose out.
It will adversely affect the setting of the Offa’s Dyke corridor, being only three kilometres from the national trail, and will be highly visible over a wide area.
This is an area for quiet enjoyment. The noise and activity which will be generated by these access works will be a severe intrusion in this tranquil countryside.
Such development is completely inappropriate in this splendid, rare countryside.