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We have backed an application to Wycombe District Council to rebuild and restore the Walnut Tree pub at Fawley in Bucks. The site is at the hub of a number of public rights of way in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and is passed by countless walkers, riders and cyclists.
The pub closed in 2003 and a subsequent application to convert it into a private house was rejected. Now a local resident has bought the site, formed a company (The Walnut Tree (Fawley) Ltd) and applied to rebuild and reopen the pub, a popular move with local people.
It’s not often that we support a planning application but we are pleased to back this one. The pub was a valuable facility for people who visit the Chilterns to enjoy the public paths and beautiful scenery, and we hope that walkers, riders and cyclists will soon be able to frequent it again. The building has remained derelict and an eyesore for far too long.
The Buckinghamshire Area of the Ramblers has also supported the application.
The planning reference is 15/08511/FUL.