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Woking Borough Council’s proposed land swap at Westfield Common, Woking in Surrey is the subject of a public inquiry which opens on Wednesday (27 June) at the H G Wells conference centre in Woking.
Woking council wants to deregister part of the common to enable an access road to be built, serving a proposed housing development. It plans to give in exchange three areas of common. The objectors argue that the public already enjoys access to the exchange land, and that it is already included in the scheme of management for the common, so there is net loss, rather than gain, to the public.
Objectors at the inquiry will include Westfield Common Residents’ Association and many local people. We have submitted a written objection.
We have urged the inspector to reject Woking’s application to swap part of Westfield Common for land which is already used and enjoyed by the public. We do not feel this to be a fair exchange.’