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The Welsh Government is looking at the future of access in Wales, following the consultation in 2017 and the subsequent announcement that it would set up an Access Reform Group. It has also established three expert groups to inform the Access Reform Group and invited expressions of interest.

The Glamorgan coast near Atlantic College
We are delighted to report that the Open Spaces Society is represented on all three groups, as follows:
Group 1, changes to open access and land mapped under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000: Hugh Craddock
Group 2, flexibility on public paths: Kate Ashbrook
Group 3, communicating access rights: Beverley Penney.
The three groups had an initial meeting on 27 January and start work, as separate groups, in the first week of February. The aim is to report to ministers in March 2021, with the final report published in July 2021.
Our three representatives will welcome input from Open Spaces Society members and others, especially those who live, work or recreate in Wales. Please contact us if you wish to share information. We shall keep you informed through our website.