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We are delighted that the Lake District National Park Authority has once again rejected plans for the development of White Moss, on the A591 between Rydal Water and Grasmere in Cumbria.
Jim Lowther, brother of the eighth Earl of Lonsdale who is custodian of the family’s estate, had applied to develop common land at White Moss, where the public has rights to walk and ride. This followed the rejection of a similar scheme last November.
The plan included the development of commercial visitor facilities with a car-park, an ugly ‘Welcome Hub’, bike hire and events.
The park authority rejected the plan on the grounds that it conflicted with a number of national park policies and the building ‘would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area by reason of its presence, size and design in this woodland setting’ and is contrary to the policy ‘which seeks to protect the spectacular landscape of the Lake District National Park’.
We are overjoyed that the national park authority has again rejected the plans because of their highly damaging nature to the peace and tranquillity of this lovely part of the national park.
It is totally inappropriate to commercialise this beautiful, quiet place and deeply worrying that the landowner should wish to do so. The plans were more suited to Disney World or Legloand than to a national park which is seeking World Heritage Status.