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The society has praised Henley Town Council for a hat-trick of successes on public paths and public access.
Our general secretary, Kate Ashbrook, was speaking at the opening of the footpath which has been dedicated by the town council on 8 November.
Said Kate: ‘Henley Town Council is triple tops when it comes to paths and public enjoyment.
‘First it dedicated Gillotts Field as a village green in 2010, giving local people rights of informal recreation there and ensuring that the land is protected in perpetuity.
‘Secondly, earlier this year it resisted Oxfordshire County Council’s request to contribute to the prioritisation of public paths, which in these stringent times could lead to a downgrading of some routes.
‘And thirdly, it has dedicated this lovely new footpath through the woods and around the fields, commanding splendid views over the town. We are grateful also to David and Kay Emanuel for allowing part of the path to be dedicated on their land.
‘Henley Town Council has shown an excellent example to other landowners, and we are delighted that it has dedicated this new path.’
The footpath was opened by Henley Mayor Martin Akehurst at a small ceremony, and Martin and Gill Dodds, former chairman of Henley’s recreation and amenities committee and Henley Mayor, cut the ribbon.
The path has been recorded on the definitive map as footpath number 32. It is about 800 metres long and runs from Pack and Prime Lane, generally south and south east, through the woods and around the south side of Forty-Acre Field, to join the footpath along the bottom which runs parallel to Valley Road.