Doughty Diane Andrewes, is elected our vice-president

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We deal with almost 1000 cases a year assisting communities, groups and individuals in protecting their local spaces and paths in all parts of England and Wales. Can you help us by joining as a member?

Our annual general meeting has elected activist Diane Andrewes as one of our vice-presidents.  Diane, a resident of Bursledon, south Hampshire, since 1964, has been a member of the society for more than 30 years. She served as a trustee from 1993-1995, 2007-09, and 2012-2018.

We’re delighted to have welcomed Diane Andrewes as one of our vice-presidents at our 2023 AGM.

Diane is a founder member of the Bursledon Rights of Way and Amenities Preservation Group, which has championed Bursledon’s paths and open spaces since 1990. She has filled many roles for the organisation, ensuring that it is always well run and in good heart. She was a member and footpath representative of Bursledon Parish Council, for many years, and an Eastleigh Borough Councillor. She persuaded the councils to dedicate a number of new footpaths in the parish.

A veteran campaigner, in 2008 Diane gathered evidence and claimed two footpaths leading to the Jolly Sailor pub in Bursledon. She battled to save the parish pond from enclosure, and has fought numerous planning applications which would have degraded the lovely village.

One of the two footpaths leading to the Jolly Sailor pub in Bursledon which Diane claimed.

Says Phil Wadey, our chairman: ‘Diane is hugely deserving of the honour of vice-president. She has promoted our interests for decades and has been determined and fearless in her defence of paths and open spaces.

Says Diane: ‘I feel very honoured by this decision to make me a vice-president of the Open Spaces Society as I have admired this amazing and inspiring group ever since I became a member. It is a model for all small groups seeking to change the status quo in often hostile environments.

‘I am grateful for all the support given to me and my group over the years by trustees and staff.’

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