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Redrow Homes has withdrawn its proposal to build a 6.4-metre-wide road with a three-metre-wide pedestrian and cycle lane across Charlton Common in South Gloucestershire. The application was in connection with adjoining development.
The public inquiry, due to start on 26 November, has been cancelled. The inquiry opened in April and was immediately adjourned. The room at the BAWA Club, Filton, was overflowing with objectors from Southmead, Brentry and Henbury, who had not been consulted about the plans and who were angry at what was proposed.
Because the road was to be built across common land,) Redrow Homes needed consent from the Planning Inspectorate, under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006, as well as planning permission.
We were one of the objectors, represented by our local correspondent, Chris Bloor.
Says Chris: ‘We are delighted that Redrow Homes has seen sense. It says it is “currently working with local residents to devise a scheme that reduces the impact on the common, increases the common area and provides for long-term protection”.
‘It must of course involve the Open Spaces Society, as the leading pressure-group for common land, in those discussions.
‘Charlton Common is a special and much-enjoyed by local people. The Open Spaces Society will continue to campaign to maintain the integrity of this important common.’