Campaigner Kate wins ‘Outdoor Personality of the Year’ award

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K in full flowOur general secretary Kate Ashbrook has won The Great Outdoors magazine’s Outdoor Personality of the Year award, topping a shortlist of 11 which included mountaineers Sir Chris Bonington and Alan Hinkes, and fellrunner Jos Naylor.  Kate was nominated as ‘a knowledgeable and fearless campaigner for our rights in the great outdoors’.

Kate is also president of the Ramblers, patron of the Walkers Are Welcome Towns network and a trustee of the Campaign for National Parks and the Dartmoor Preservation Association.

Says our chairman, Graham Bathe: ‘It is a fitting tribute that Kate should be given such recognition.  She works tirelessly to ensure that our rights in the countryside, and in particular our access to paths, greens and common land, are protected.  In fact, it is because of her energy and dedication, that so much of the great outdoors remains accessible for us all to enjoy today.   Well done, Kate.’

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