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We are delighted that unlawful fencing has been removed from Pinner Green common, near Latimer in Buckinghamshire.
In 2013 it was reported that a local landowner had erected barbed-wire fencing around the small piece of common land which adjoins Blackwell Hall Lane, to prevent fly-tipping. The land is owned by Chiltern District Council.
The fencing did not have the Secretary of State for Environment’s consent, under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006, and was therefore unlawful. The public has the right to walk on the common.
The Buckinghamshire Local Access Forum and the Open Spaces Society pressed the local authorities to remove the unlawful fencing.
Now Chiltern District Council has written to say that the barbed-wire strands have been removed so that pedestrian access is once more available.
This is a splendid outcome. Too often common land suffers unlawful encroachments and no one is prepared to act. We are pleased that the Local Access Forum recognised this to be an important issue, which could have set a dangerous precedent for other commons and access land. The forum pursued this with determination and we are grateful to Chiltern District Council for ensuring the fence was removed.
It is excellent that Pinner Green common, which although small is nevertheless of public value, is open once more for people to enjoy.