AGM 2016
Our AGM this year was held on Thursday 7 July at Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ.
After the formal business, we had two speakers: Paul Johnson, Principal Specialist – Statutory Access, Natural England and Quentin Grimley, Wales Coast Path Officer, Natural Resources Wales, who spoke on coastal access in their respective countries.
The signed minutes of our AGM 2015 are available in the members’ section of the website here.
Trustee nominations
The following were elected as trustees:
John Lavery
John is a retired Defra lawyer with expertise in countryside law. Between 2004-2007 he was principal legal adviser on common land and greens. He was involved with implementation of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and worked on the Bill team for the Commons Act 2006. He was also principal adviser on Rights of Way. Since retiring he has assisted the OSS with legal issues, including the Growth and Infrastructure Bill, which overhauled procedures relating to the registration of greens. John is a current trustee of OSS.
Jean Macdonald
Jean’s professional career included teaching in secondary schools and further education; providing advice to schools and colleges on the use of technology; project management and consultancy. She has worked with people with disabilities to support them to become more independent, most recently as part of the Guide Dogs for the Blind “My Guide” programme. She has also been a parish councillor and school governor. She is a member of a Ramblers’ working party which carries out footpath maintenance. She is an enthusiastic walker and gardener. She brings organisational, project management and bid-writing skills and is keen to help the OSS raise its profile and increase membership. Jean is a previous trustee of OSS.
Steve Warr
Steve is a Chartered Accountant who spent his career in the banking industry. He brings considerable experience of operating at Board level to the role of Treasurer. He lives in north Oxfordshire and has had an interest in village greens for many years. Steve is a current trustee of OSS.
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